Amy has created a unique vocal massage and therapy program, which has gained national recognition for helping singers release muscle tension and significantly improve their singing.
What is it
Laryngeal Manipulation or what is known as a "Voice Massage" is a combination of massage, voicing, mobilization, and manipulation in the paralaryngeal area, jaw, tongue, and diaphragm. Laryngeal Manipulation helps to;
Reduce voice, throat, jaw, and laryngeal pain and tension
Reduce vocal fatigue
Increasing vocal range
Improve voice function
Reducing vocal fold strain and hyperadduction
Improve treatment of vocal lesions i.e., polyps, nodules, cysts, etc.
Improving vocal stamina and endurance
Who benefits
Laryngeal manipulation is a treatment used to diagnose and treat the following musculoskeletal problems of the voice and larynx, but not limited to;
Vocal fatigue, decreased vocal stamina
Decreased range
Hoarse voice
Vocal and throat pain
Neck tension
Jaw pain and tension
Neck and throat pain
Reduced resonance
Difficulty swallowing
Globus sensation (feeling of lump in the throat)
Decreased vocal stamina
Tongue tightness
Difficulty phonating
Jaw tension
Puberphonia or mutational falsetto
On site
Laryngeal manipulation is not a traditional massage with lotion or oils. It is a clinical procedure done by a certified or licensed clinician to ensure safety for the patient at all times. The procedure ranges from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. It can be done on site before tours, shows, or in the studio.